How to age as slowly as possible - part two

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Learn about aging?  No way, you say?  Here’s why you may want to reconsider!

It might sound like a bore to learn about aging in the body.  But having a basic understanding of the physiological changes will help you learn how to slow the process and remain strong and healthy.  

In this episode (part two of a three part series), Pam Strand continues to discuss the ways our bodies change as we age and what we can do about it. 

It is likely not a surprise to learn that our metabolism works less efficiently as we get older. Specifically:
  • Our bodies are less efficient in regulating how new cells and tissues grow, are repaired, and then replaced when it is time,
  • It’s harder for our body to produce energy and
  • Our bodies have a greater number of “non-working” cells hanging and causing disruption. 

Not very exciting to learn.  But it is important. 

These changes lead to a higher risk of chronic disease and create issues for us - more difficulty maintaining our weight, loss of muscular strength, injuries heal more slowly, we may get sick more often, and we may just not have the “get up and go” to do all the great things we have planned in our lives. 

Our lifestyle choices make a huge difference in how and how quickly aging happens in our body. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the correction comes from our daily choices.

  • Exercise is one of the best ways to make overall improvements in our metabolism. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), specifically, can improve energy production in the body. 
  • Our metabolism is highly sensitive to nutrient deficiencies, so eating nutrient dense foods is important. In this case, “garbage in/garbage out” is absolutely true.
  • Evidence suggests our metabolism benefits by adding Sirtuin-rich foods, which support metabolism and also DNA repair. And be sure to get essential nutrients like Vitamins B1 and B2, CoQ10, magnesium, niacin, glutathione, and carnitine. 
  • Intermittent fasting has been show to make our metabolism more efficient, so this is an important lifestyle choice to consider.
  • Stress triggers inflammation in the body. And since aging creates a low-grade chronic inflammation, we want to reduce any stress created by our lifestyles that would add flames to the fire, so to speak- (listen to episode x to learn more)
  •  And get your ZZZZ’s - sleep is very important to the regulation of our metabolism and to our cellular health. 

Be sure to email me if you have any questions.  My email is I’d also love to hear about your wins. 

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Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching. 

Here’s to living longer, stronger, and better! 

Creators and Guests

Pam Strand
Pam Strand
For the last 20 years, Pam has been a personal trainer and life coach. She is also a Mindfulness & Meditation teacher and Breathwork professional. Pam is owner of Strand Fitness Online.
How to age as slowly as possible - part two
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