How to age as slowly as possible - part three

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Learn more about aging in the body by tuning into this third and final episode of Pam Strand’s series on biological aging. 

Knowledge is power. And learning more about aging makes you more powerful in crafting your successful fitness and health journey. 

In this episode, Pam discusses two more changes which occur in the body as it ages.
  • Our stem cells get worn out. Science calls this Stem Cell Exhaustion.
  • Our cells are not talking to each other very well. In scientific language, it is called Altered Intercellular Communication. 

What you will learn most from this episode is that physiology matters. As we get older, it is more important to take care of our cells and our internal systems. Here is a sampling of the strategies covered in the episode. 
  • Environmental challenges like pollution, toxins, and chemical challenge our cells and systems and cause damage. Minimizing your exposures helps keep physiology healthy. 
  • Exercise and healthy nutrition remain the foundation of health and fitness. This episode recaps the most important considerations such as the role of high intensity interval training, intermittent fasting, and adding certain foods such as sirtuin-rich foods. 
  • Stress reduction and high quality sleep counterbalance age-related changes and help build resilience.  They are anti-aging!

Life is a long game, and one where you don’t want to rush to the finish line. 
  • Take your time and learn how to implement change that will stick. 
  • Personal data from wearable devices such as FitBits, Apple Watches, and the BioStrap help tailor fitness programs and accelerate results. 

Focus on what works and build from there!  You got this! 

Be sure to email me if you have any questions.  My email is I’d also love to hear about your wins. 

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Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching. 

Here's to living longer, stronger, and better!

Creators and Guests

Pam Strand
Pam Strand
For the last 20 years, Pam has been a personal trainer and life coach. She is also a Mindfulness & Meditation teacher and Breathwork professional. Pam is owner of Strand Fitness Online.
How to age as slowly as possible - part three
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